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Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Design Principle

            To quote from the past. Transitional Architecture, a term usually referred to as the period of transition from the old to the new.  Somehow it was considered that the details of the later styles are used on the general forms of the earlier.

And to review from  non-architect's principles and influences whose adoption he tried to plead for; the Seven Lamps of Architecture, which came out in 1849: From thereon, he proceeded to list the styles of the past which are perfect enough for him to be chosen for universal obedience.

1. Sacrifice
Architecture as against mere building, venerable and beautiful, however unnecessary.

2. Truth   
No disguised supports, no sham materials, no machine work for handwork          

3. Power       
Simple grand massing

4. Beauty       
Only possible by imitation of, or inspiration from, nature

5. Life  
Must express a fullness of life, embrace boldness and irregularity, scorn refinement, and also be the work of men as men, i.e., handwork);

6. Memory    
The greatest glory of a building is its age, and we must therefore build for perpetuity

7. Obedience
Must be universally accepted: 'We want no new style', 'the forms of architecture already known are good enough for us')

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