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Wednesday, April 8, 2020


It's really simply terrible.  Why are we allowing ourselves to be manipulated by how we fared this time electronically? We have allowed ourselves to be caged by our own pride.  We should accept that technology, the phony kind, is not really that valid.  It's not that important.  It's just part of the plans we're making.  Our own drafts. like simply our own drafts which are never really final unless accepted officially.  It's messy. It needs scratch papers, blunt pencils, smudgy erasers.  That needs sharpening and honing. 

It's just a form of work that we do, be forever doubtful that it had to be put on paper first and signed.  To somehow prove its validity.  To know that it had to be called professions, professions of faith that it's going to be built and honored in time with grace.  But who among us were put to task, those who were put to the test and trained?  Those who will be prone to abuse and obsessive work and higher learnings. leaning on to our dreams of this and that.  To fulfill visions of our futures that continue to haunt our longing for a better life and for whom when reached, will fall to the abyss of greed and power.

Cheer up, aren't we blessed enough? 

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