There, it's back again. Somehow it's all over the page. Use the scope, the telescope, your lens, your magnifying lens. Magnify, focus and use the microscope. Shoot it all down. Then you analyze it. Oh, yeah look! Microbes, planktons, bacteria, amoeba, phytoplanktons, germs, dirt, mildew, scarabs, microscopic endemic organisms. Virus.
And why in the heck are we still judging people by the dates and places of births? By the schools they attended to, their zodiac signs, their names, their family, their friends, their peers, mentors folk, and their looks. We judge people by their past affiliations, their accomplishments, their achievements. We also judge people by the amount of money they can spare outright. By the houses, they live in, the place they go to, the clothes they wear, the people they relate with.
There's the Medical Police. Watch out. Defend yourself. Watch out, it's your friendly local Health Department. They'll disinfect your places of worship, the airports, the museums, the public places. Your private homes, your residences. Don't fret, it's apparently for your own good, your own welfare.
Then here come tales of horror we can read and watch. We can compel each other to obey and take heed. Or we can refuse to participate, to challenge the threat and investigate. It's all part of the thinking process for a thinking individual. Should we blindly obey if it's not that convincing? Do we need to be persuaded, were we hesitant, resisting, uncooperative? Would they have to do so by force, unnecessary, involuntarily?
But then again, "Were these questions answered, investigated, researched and debated on?"
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