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Saturday, September 15, 2012


Bad Architecture is found anywhere. On my own vicinity, my street, my own city, on my own country.  They persist.  But  there are those that unreasonably go from bad, to worse and the worst.  Many of which were done in haste and is gone to waste and into oblivion. Buildings built that just could not last.  Some of which were not really planned to withstand uncontrolled factors.

My judgment is first hand.  The way it looks when I go outside.  Within the suburbs and the city's seasonal designs and trend changes.  Blaming economic insecurities and unsustainable growth. This is a first-hand look to built structures.  Out in the open and those obscure from view. A lot of Architecture can be trashy, or plain dirty.  Let's have a look.

A city's architectural revolution starts by knowing and admitting it is so. Filipinos tend to go with the most  pragmatic approach on building the most smallest structure.  Here we call it the "inato" and "mata-mata" approach. Thus, affecting the integrity and of course, sacrificing function, capacity, form and aesthetics.  The city's real picture still reflects its true identty.

The Factors:
01. Economy
Number one
02. Culture
Traditional "mata-mata" approach. 
 03. Overdesigning
There's also the problem of over-designing.  Structures which could very well
be described as inappropriate.
04. Existing Slums and Squatters
Unfortunately  exist, unmindful of the term Arkitektura. No one is to blame but themselves.  Occupants living on dilapidated huts along contaminated riversides.  Producing unwanted and unprocessed waste.  Leaving garbage like part of the environment aside.

The message is clear but the majority would prefer to look more closely on the so called bright side, eventually forgetting about what's in front of them.  Ignoring the issue, doesn't solve the problem.  Moving on and migrating to other shores and to foreign cities and countries.  Living out on permanent vacations.  Some proud to have left and lived a better life away from their own.  Claiming that it's the most logical thing to do.  Work abroad or migrate, leaving their own unattended.  "Balikbayan Boxes" and "Padala" and "Pasalubong" which look alien to the recipients.

The majority create new investments and finances made from another part of the world. Why can't we produce our own to create or recreate anew? Resources from our own land and seas.  Most left untapped and perceived stolen if used and enhanced.  No foreign strings attached, no second-hand approach to building. No "kano".  No "japayukis" No "bombay", No "inchik" and "arabo" mentality.  All Filipino First approach. Why can't we redesign our city's Most Important Bloodstream? The people and culture predominantly . The most basic Utilities, The Drainage Problem (Waste and Water), The Electrical Power Problem (Power), and Property Assessment and Zoning, Road, Bridges and Highway Planning.

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