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Saturday, November 11, 2017


A world famous writer and a world famous boxer.

Subject and predicate agreements. Simple sentences with verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives and so forth. If somehow your peers, your friends, your mates find you a little more silent than them, they would eventually ask something from you. Like write for you or speak for you, in behalf of whoever.

Say they needed to write something on paper and they can't find it in themselves to do so, the first thing they'd expect from you is a question.  "Why, don't you have hands?" But you didn't ask it.  Something that might puzzle them knowing that they can really do it by themselves. Their reasoning.  Because their grammar is not good. They somehow get confused with words and sentences right away. They might even find it funny.  They somehow find it funny to form letters into words into sentences into paragraphs.  Paragraphs that could have made more sense for them. They know it. That is why they try to make you do it for them.   And since they still can't find it in themselves to do so, they'd eventually give you that sad look persuading you to do the writing yourself for them. 

That is how it is with letters down here.  And one of the most important pieces of writing are called documents.  More so when you are at school and office environments. One needs to be more formal.  Maybe because you had to persuade the reader for something you need. The respect they needed and the time it will take for both to satisfy each other's need.  Mutual.  To move on with their lives.

The writer and the reader. 

On my freshman year In Architecture School,   we were taught to write more legibly or write architecturally. One might really find it a little absurd.  But that's how it is.   Something I wish to share with my peers, the wonders of it.  But it was fun.  Imagine writing letters & numbers on Graphing Papers, you know those papers with graphs which really are just squares, or lines, horizontal and vertical with 0.5 mm spacing?  They look more like squares for crossword puzzles. 

Graphics 1.  It wasn’t called Graphics 101. Was it?  Write it, print it, mark it, however you want to call it.  It is ink on paper.  Pen and the paper.  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Letters and numbers.  They are all written in caps, in capitals.  That is how it is.  You’d find it easy at first and smile.  And as you do so, you’d find out eventually who’s got excellent pen grips, I mean your classmates with more neat penmanship.  Who’s got the better grasp on mind and hand command?  All in the name of neatness.  You need to be more careful making it proper.  We were instructed not to go outside the box.  I got past it.

At this age, I must say, now you can make your own boxes with numbers.  You may have to shade and erase some of the boxes. Call it ACROSS & DOWN, empty boxes with clues and make your own CROSSWORD PUZZLES for everyone you hold dearly.   It’s like a sport.  You can cheat or teach your way in, find references, ask somebody else, ask yourself. Everyone in the family can join in.

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