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Friday, June 17, 2016


There really is a big difference,,hmmmm not that big though.. when you get to go out and see more of what you drew on paper is about to be built or to be constructed, to be laid out as something tangibly, concretely real.  Out here we call it "the actual".  Yes, like everything done before is not done actually, if you know what I mean.  But hey it is fun.

Say you have this task where you had to build a flight of stairs.  Like the kind which has a landing in between.  What do they call that kind of set of stairs again? Yes, the rectangular kind, with the landing?  And so, (construction proper)  if you try to be so meticulous about it, it will take a lot of time.  But if you just try to just think of it like clay, or just blocks, or molding a jello, with bones or sticks as structural members inside, that's it!

And there is that partnership with the foreman.  I also have heard about why do engineers and architects keep passing on the great task of manul labor by passing it on to the foreman.  It seems that it is the usual kind of buzz that hangs around every construction task.  And in no way do I need to complain about this hierarchy.  It's like a ball that gets passed to another player, to another player, to another player , and zoomed for a slamdunk.

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