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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


A few months ago I was having ideas straight from somewhere inspiring me to form structures out of the things I see in and out of our house.  I managed to form something they call in architecture as modeling.  That time I would or should not call it scale modeling because I was not measuring every bit of the small structure I was modeling.  The first structure I saw and formed was made to look like a skyscraper.  You'd think It's crazy for I just happened to saw this stack of compact disks which were inside this plastic container.  It would seem to be structurally sound for it had this rod at the center where to put the disk's hole.  The rod really gives the structure the right  foundation for the compact disk skyscraper.

The second structure I formed was a thing I called the New Clear Power Plant.  Out of some diamond shaped ceramic tiles, some stands for a plastic container,  plastic hooks, and a roll 'on deodorant.  I manage to form all of them into complex structures which thereon became to look like a Nuclear Power Plant.  Complete with two towering nuclear reactors and some facilities.  It's really silly when you look at it.

And then after I took pictures of it from different views, I had lunch with the family.  After eating my lunch, I stood to put my plate for the kitchen sink.  There I saw two slices of lemonsito or kalamansi as we call it here.  It was both squeezed earlier by someone for the sauce.   I took another picture of it closely as it somehow formed a structure that can be used for a concept for a museum. I amazed myself that I was having a good time on my own.  Though I can't share this new found thing, especially around the house, I am still happy that I got to appreciate the simple forms of life.  From ordinary things, one could form any thing which could be useful for another purpose somehow.

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