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Wednesday, November 27, 2013


The phrase makes sense.  If you are inside that zone. It's every man for himself. Inside a disaster zone. A hurricane, a typhoon, a storm surge, a shootout, an earthquake or perhaps a war zone.  Inside a crashing airplane, falling buildings and bridges.  A storm,  flood bringing about soil erosion or an avalanche.  Cracked roads, growing gaps in between islands.  Tornado.  Fire.  Zombies, vampires and serial killers and psychopaths crawling on the streets.  Aliens and gigantic monsters.  Chemical warfare, pestilence, radioactive and oil spills.  Sandstorms and snowstorms.  Hail and hard rain. Inside every Armageddon movie, or in a Stephen King film, becoming real.  Global catastrophe, calamities, cataclysmic events becoming a day to day occurrence. Asteroid paranoia.  Atom bombs. World War, and the end of the world.

It is every man for himself.  And to care for somebody else could just be your biggest luxury. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Was it worth working for? To please everyone by showing how your jobs made sense.  How it could fill each and everyone's emptiness by being valued.  Was it worth working for? To finish school by studying and learning things which would or could not guarantee employment to reach fulfilling careers.  To bring out the best and worst out of you.  To be strong, confident, and competitive in a cruel environment. 

Was it worth working for? To graduate and pass a series of licensing exams, and will be spending a lot of time worrying about this and that.  Was it worth working for? People who could care less about you.  The government who keep f*cking with you everyday. 

 For a great number of Professionals, worth it I guess.

Friday, November 22, 2013


It was just days ago.  A typhoon swept away the major parts of Philippines' Visayas region. Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), had a maximum of 235 miles an hour, the record breaking speed.. The storm surge caused an uproar.  Initial reports stated 10,000 dead but right now as of this writing is less than 4,000.  Obviously the government was not setup well to provide relief.  Logistical failure might have caused more deaths.  Search, relief and rescue were almost non-existent for a week.

At least this is how I understood what happened.  And I just have some questions. 


Thursday, November 21, 2013


How should one decide the value of his, hers and someone's occupation ? Will it matter if your job or profession does not or conform with certain laws and rules provided by authority? How come the number of rules and laws keep growing as time goes by? How does one decide to adapt techniques, implement provisions, enact code of ethics, secure permissions, contractual obligations, and legitimacy? How does one decide which laws are applicable and which ones are obsolete? How does one realize the need to graduate from college? Why do graduates need to pass more examinations before engaging or involving oneself to do projects? Why do some professions need to take oaths and promises?